The Land of The Blue Shih Tzu


After a rather lengthy trip down the Yellow Brick Road and saying their goodbyes to Maddi the Maid from Minnesota

who was off  to make her Fame and Fortune --- they meet up with....... 

Hi-- I'm Sadie and these are two of my children ......

Destiny, my daughter, who actually lives away from home and my son Brady.

We have been sent by the one you seek to be your escort and to welcome

you to our lands. In order to reach our destination we will have to travel by train

So hop aboard and off we go ...

Well Morris , how about that , not only an escort but a ride to our destination as well..!

After a long trip that at times seems that it had no ending the train finally

pulls into a station and it is announced that this was the end of the line.

Well that certainly was a long but restful trip says Morris.

It certainly was, agreed Bertie, it would seem that we just may

be at the end of our Quest ! Isn't that great!!

You are correct - and yes indeed it is great! I can feel it!!

We have reached the Land of the Illusive Blue Shih Tzu

Mom had to go on ahead and take my Sister home. She lives a lot farther North from here.

She wants me to take you the one you seek. So if you would please come with me I will guide you.


It would appear that the boys are now on the final leg of their adventure....

The Quest for the Illusive Blue Shih Tzu


Well here we are in the land of the Illusive Blue Shih Tzu at last Bertie!!

Can this really be the end of the Quest?

I sure hope so , I am beginning to get dogbone tired! Questing can certainly tire one out.

The one you seek is just beyond those gates. I must leave you here now and go home.

I have no small distance to go but shall be home in plenty of time for supper.

Bye for now and thanks for coming to see us. It was certainly nice meeting you!

It was nice to meet you and your family as well Brady. Have a safe journey says Bertie.

Always remember young man you are a Shih Tzu and carry the Tude at all times reminds Morris.

I shall - bye now.


 Hi--My name is Shadow otherwise known as the Illusive Blue Shih Tzu.

Welcome to my home

.But ....! piped up Bertie, He can't be the Illusive Blue! - He's ALL White!!.

Quiet Bertie - I am certain that there is a most reasonable explanation.


Quite right Morris there most certainly is. Do you recall the sign at the gates to the city that you came through!

Why, yes. I believe so - Gateway Of The North if memory serves, says Morris.

Correct, says Shadow, what is not common knowledge is that all Shih Tzu North of that Sign can be referred to as Blue Shih Tzu, as during the winter months when we go out for our walks it can be so cold as to turn us Blue. This little known fact is what makes us so Illusive.


Well! well! Ha! Ha! Well done ! I wouldn't have ever thought of that says Morris.

I really hate to admit it but that certainly does explain why Blue Shih Tzu are so hard to find, says Bertie. So that means ......

I say, Shadow, tell me have you ever heard of the Golden Shih Tzu?

Can't say as I have Morris, tell me what you know ...


Do you think they'll believe this story at the Pub , Morris ?

Can't see why not ...



I'm learning a New Song ...

What's it called ...?

''Its Hard to tell the Poopies from the  Pine cones!''

That figures !
